
OpiSafe interfaces with pain and addiction patients through a number of platforms and interfaces. From our beginning as a company, OpiSafe has provided tools that empower patients to better understand their care and report on their care experiences through a series of clinically-validated assessments. OpiSafe patient engagement significantly outpaces standard patient portal engagement, with more than 40% of OpiSafe patients completing their assigned assessments every month.

For patients who receive opioids for pain or for Opioid Use Disorder, OpiSafe also manages their patient/provider agreement and provides education about their medications, care and the availability and use of Naloxone. For patients at risk, OpiRescue is also provided for the patient. With OpiRescue, patients can invite their friends and family to add the free app to their smartphone. If the patient should ever experience an overdose, their support network will have vital information on how to reverse the effects of an overdose.